History of Poetry

History of Poetry There is a pleasure in poetic pains / Which only poets know. – William Cowper A brief look at the history of poetry. Poetry is a form of communication that predates literacy itself. Original poetic form was a device that was created to remember oral history, stories, the law and genealogy. Poetry… [Continue Reading]

Jane Doe

Jane Doe Rosy cheeks, Teary eyes, Sorrow drenched heart, Why oh why, Did he cause her so much pain, Frizzy wool hair, Glossy redish, pinkish, blood smeared lips. A face once envied by many now Pale and cold So easily he took her beauty. Never will it return unless unleashed by concealer and heavy make… [Continue Reading]

Happy Mother’s Day to the all the Wonderful Women out there

Reality of the Soul

Reality of the Soul by Gregory Harold My rating: 5 of 5 stars By pure chance I stumbled across a very intriguing book. My fitness trainer has a client that’s an indie writer; like myself, and he give his book to the trainer. To my good luck my trainer was nice enough to let me borrow… [Continue Reading]

Candlesticks and Ashes

CANDLESTICKS AND ASHES Wax just melted away upon my body, drop by drop, devouring my every spot. The seconds were hours of torment. The minutes, days of sadness and despair. My body sweats with thirst, my tongue drenched with dryness, my thoughts, no thoughts, just a long itching of pain scattered in the breeze. Candlesticks… [Continue Reading]