Voodoo Dreams: A Novel of Marie Laveau by Jewell Parker Rhodes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Today I finished reading Voodoo Dreams: A Marie Laveau Novel by Jewell Parker Rhodes. It was her first novel. Her writing is very poetic. She use a lot of description and details, as I read Voodoo Dreams, I traveled to the 1800’s and walked down the streets of New Orleans. I visited one of Marie’s rituals and was able to see the sadness and frustration in her heart. I watched her become possessed by Damballah and drop to the floor slithering like a snake. I listened to the drum man and let the music of his beats sway my body. Then I closed the book to awaken to reality. For a first novel J. Rhodes did an exceptional job plotting Voodoo Dreams. It is a non-fictional account of the life of Marie Laveau (a real voodoo queen from New Orleans). It goes from Marie’s childhood to her death. When I begin reading I expected the character to be a strong woman with great power but instead J. Rhodes’ Marie Laveau, is weak and always trying to gain the acceptance of others but by the end of the book, she gain strength and begin to fight for what she wants.
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