A Black Girl’s Poetry for the World by Kimberly LaRocca My rating: 5 of 5 stars I really like this book of poetry. I believe anyone who reads this book will definitely find poems that they can relate too. In addition, this book has a spectacular cover. View all my reviews
Book Review for Petals of Peace by L.M. Young
August 19, 2012 By Leave a Comment
Tears came to my eyes as I read Petals of Peace. I thought about a love one, I miss so dearly. My heart really connected to the poetry as it graced my mind. Reading each poem is inspirational and encouraging. Not only did I connect to the poetic, I connected to God almighty.
Not Afraid to be Real (a poetry collection) By Maranda Russell
August 8, 2012 By 2 Comments
Today I read an astonishing book of poetry. As I read Maranda Russell’s poetry her words became an inspirational melody in my mind. Her words inspire, motivate, and captures your heart, mind, and soul. Her poetry is appropriate for young adults and it will also inspire the mature audience. Eat off her table of poetry,… [Continue Reading]