Thoughts Sitting in a deserted corner of a small village in the cervices of my mind. Lint balls, moth balls, powdery smells of old ladies perfume. This is a new place, a sad place, a place I didn’t know existed and I have been a lot of places. On the brink of suicide, extreme happiness,… [Continue Reading]
Midnight’s Cruelty
Midnight’s Cruelty Heavy lids, Watery eyes, A lite yawn flow in the air If only sleep could pierce my thoughts But fear keeps sleep in a distance ream. So here I sit and ponder away Keeping dreams in midnight’s mist. The cruelness of night, laughing in the dark, making fun of it’s victims nightmares. Demons… [Continue Reading]
“God help me, God help me,” flew from my liquor stained lips. My grandmother’s hundred year old crystal scotch glass fell to the hard maple floor, and I dropped to my knees and closed my eyes in shame. The antique white walls begin to slowly warp, twisting and turning right before my eyes. My mind… [Continue Reading]
New Up and Coming Author Jewel Beth Davis
SUPERWOMAN By: Jewel Beth Davis Originally published in SN Review ( The red light on the answering machine flashes on and off in an alarming manner. Listen. To me. Answer. Me. Come. On. Don’t. Walk by. You better. Listen. It’s New Year’s Eve. Nothing very exciting ever happens to me on New Year’s. Tonight… [Continue Reading]
Excerpt from Summer’s Nightmare by Ingrid Jennings
Upcoming Book Summer’s Nightmare If you like mystery, suspense, and romance, this might be the book for you. Gunshots pierces the summer’s air. One after another raining in my direction. The thunderous sound of the shots bounced off the sun bleached tomb I hid behind in St. Louis cemetery. My head against the engraved name… [Continue Reading]